- Enhanced integration with constructive simulations: It’s now easier to combine cyberspace operations with kinetic warfare with unified web-based Exercise Preparation that allows you to manage constructive scenarios and automatically create the corresponding network configurations. Exercise Controls (load, initialize, start, pause, resume, and stop) now apply to both the network emulation and the constructive simulation in the exercise.
- Voice Communications: Train as you fight with built-in voice communications among the training audience. Trainees defend against fast-paced cyberspace operations using real-world tools and communications, including voice calls to team members, commanders, and subordinates. Audio recordings of all voice calls are available during After Action Review, synchronized with corresponding displays, human actions, attacks and outcomes.
- Improved Situational Awareness: View reports of network scanning, port scanning and signals intelligence right in the output window. Easily visualize the impact of vulnerability exploitations on a node’s availability, confidentiality, and integrity.
- Quicker Deployment and Reconfiguration: A new, simplified installer allows you to easily concentrate or spread services across your hardware. Need room to grow when your training exercises get more complex? You can now move services as easily as editing a file and restarting the web service.
SCALABLE Releases New Version of Network Defense Trainer- New Features and Enhancements Address Evolving Cyber / Kinetic Training Requirements
SCALABLE Network Technologies has released version 1.1 of Network Defense Trainer (NDT), its innovative cyber training system. SCALABLE developed NDT to integrate cyberspace operations and traditional kinetic warfare into full, instrumented, synthetic cyber warfare training environment. The NDT 1.1 release offers improved functionality that allows cyber warriors, network administrators and command and staff to train as they would fight, improving their awareness, reaction time and ability to take corrective action to work through degraded cyber environments and successfully complete missions.
New Functionality
The NDT 1.1 release contains new features and performance improvements. Significant enhancements include: