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One size fits all is not a viable approach in professional grade simulation and display solutions. As each customer’s specific needs, applications, and situations differ, so must the solution to those needs, applications and situations. However, this must also be balanced with re-usability and the ability to integrate into existing and future investments.

The customisation and tailoring of already flexible, and modular COTS tools, is the answer to these needs.

In consultation with the customer, skilled Antycip engineers work out the best ways for them to get the most from their unique simulation and display solutions while leaving them open for future developments and changes.

This approach includes;

  • API development for even easier use of COTS.
  • Development of an integrated architecture, based on open-standards, for the use of different COTS.
  • Help with integrating COTS into the customer’s specific environment


Drawing on over twenty years of expertise, we can design, source and install anywhere your project needs us to.

Our work has taken us across the globe, with projects as far away as Australia and as close to home as our neighbours.

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