1 Facilitating International Cooperation in MS&T
ETSA provides a unified voice for the European training & simulation community and cooperates internationally. It provides a forum for those involved with training, modelling and simulation, to allow for discussion and distribution of information, and to further advance the research, development and use in European society, industry, academia and government.2 Raising MS&T Standards
ETSA represents the European training and simulation community, providing an environment for government bodies, academia, users and suppliers within Europe to network, exchange opportunities, ideas, information and strategies on education, training and simulation technology and methodology. It champions interoperability, modelling & simulation standards, codes of practice, best practice and benchmarks, and provides a European perspective. Jean Louis Igarza, MS&T Vice President, elected member of the SISO Standards Executive Committee and Chief Scientist at Antycip, comments “The strong collaboration between the ETSA members allows further enhancement of European simulation capabilities and contributes to the delivery of high-quality solutions to our customers, while also ensuring the use of highly innovative technology.”3 Promoting Innovative Simulation and Assisting with Training Needs
ETSA undergoes, and co-ordinates, research, development and innovation work to promote, improve and extend the widespread use and efficacy of modelling and simulation technologies (including virtual, augmented and mixed reality) and practices for training and other applications throughout the European community. This is crucial to improve the capabilities of the European training and simulation community and to promote and assist with training & simulation educational qualifications, accreditation and through life learning. If you would like to find out more about how Antycip is actively working toward improving Simulation and Training standards, please contact us